国家地理HD8:00 巨无霸运输机: Aircraft
9:00 飞机: Airplanes
10:00 Alaskan Killer Shark
11:00 失控的秩序: Chaos In California
12:00 洲陆探索: Colliding Continents
13:00 翁-安提利翁大桥: Greece
14:00 To The Extremes
15:00 生命的诞生: Birth Of Life
16:00 翁-安提利翁大桥: Greece
17:00 火车: Trains
18:00 The Last Lioness
19:00 苏格兰铁人三项: Rat Race Scotland
20:00 宇宙之初: Birth Of The Universe
21:00 伦敦: London
22:00 Time Bombs
23:00 强鹿收割机: John Deere
0:00 培狄杜钻井平台: Oil Rig
1:00 小城镇大挑战: Total Towns
2:00 鲸鱼: Whale
3:00 曼谷黑暗世界: Bangkok Underworld
4:00 深海探险: The Deep
5:00 中国桥梁: China
6:00 溃败边缘: Brink Of Defeat
7:00 激战: The World Ablaze